Redefining Clinical Data Management

Clinical data has changed. So should your clinical data systems.

Veeva Vault Clinical Data Management

Veeva Vault CDMS is built for today’s clinical trials, eliminating technology limitations so you can design and run the trial you want. Innovative design tools speed the build process and eliminate manual steps. A next generation interface for data review helps CRAs work quickly and accurately and eliminates time spent paging through forms. Veeva CDB, a clinical data platform for aggregation and cleaning, provides a complete and concurrent view across all your study data.

Run the Study You Want

Configure your casebooks for master protocols and adaptive trials with less time and effort. Make mid-study amendments with zero downtime and no migrations.

Get Clean Data Faster

Clean EDC data faster with a flexible interface that’s optimized for SDV and review. Reconcile data across multiple sources with a holistic view of all your study data.

Greater Visibility and Control Over Your Data

Gain visibility into your data, whether the study is managed internally or by CROs. Operational reports on the status of your data keep you informed throughout the study.

Vault EDC

Vault EDC

Veeva is delivering a better EDC that lets you run the trial you want. Vault EDC enables complex, multi-arm adaptive trials and allows mid-study design amendments without downtime. It is modern, agile, and fast – dramatically improving the user experience for sites, monitors, and data managers.

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Vault Coder

Vault Coder

Vault Coder codes medical terms quickly and accurately within Vault EDC. In addition to auto-coding, synonym lists, and dictionary support for WHODrug and MedDRA, Veeva provides innovative ways to speed coding in batches and groups.

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Veeva CDB

Veeva CDB

Veeva CDB assembles all your study data into a consistently formatted clinical database for integrated cleaning, reporting, and export. Complete and current data helps you clean data faster, make better decisions, and run more effective trials.

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Vault Connections

Vault Connections

Vault Connections are Veeva-delivered integrations that seamlessly transfer data and documents between Vaults. For clinical data management teams, the Vault CDMS to Clinical Operations Connection provides up-to-the-minute site enrollment information.

To see a full list of available Vault Connections, visit the Veeva Development Cloud page.

Veeva RTSM

Veeva RTSM

Veeva RTSM supports multiple different randomization schemas to handle your most complex study designs. Flexible control over trial supply with advanced tools will minimize drug wastage.

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Take Back Control of Your Studies

“We have seen a 30 to 35% improvement in study build timelines.”

Mayank Anand, GSK

“We implement EDC changes 9x faster with Veeva Vault EDC.”

Eric Guitard, Lotus Clinical Research

“We’ve been able to, in some cases, reduce the setup time of an EDC database by up to 50%.”

Trevor Griffiths, Syneos Health

“Eliminating custom functions is a game-changer, even complex designs are easy to build.”

Tanya du Plessis, Bioforum

“We did 11 post-production changes with no downtime or migrations.”

Evelyn Dorsey, Cara Therapeutics

Innovation that Redefines Traditional Processes

Veeva Vault CDMS provides modern agile systems that support the pace and complexity of today’s clinical trials.


Vertex’s second study with Veeva was built 50% faster than the 12 week corporate target


This top 20 pharma is standardizing on Vault CDMS enterprise-wide


Veeva reduced Cara Therapeutics’ typical database build time by 50%

Customer Validation

Innovative companies are seeing the difference.

Resources for Clinical Data Management

Read About Vault Clinical Data Management
Product Brief Read About Vault Clinical Data Management
How to Speed Database Builds and Data Collection
Report How to Speed Database Builds and Data Collection
How UAT Innovations Saved Vertex Weeks During Database Builds
White Paper How UAT Innovations Saved Vertex Weeks During Database Builds

Interested in learning more about how Veeva can help?